Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I used to love watching "Hustle" on AMC, but alas, the powers that be pulled the plug. Granted, if you missed two seconds you could lose track of the whole deal for that week. Now we have "Leverage" on some other station, similar but slower paced, takes less concentration. If you haven't seen either, they are con-artists-gone-good, helping victims out-scam the scammer. With recent events what they have been, there has been some wishing for someone like this to intervene.

But there's more than one type of leverage, and learning to use all the tech out there to its best advantage is one. For me, minimize devices and maximize interchange is the key. This provides both time and fiscal optimization, and can be a lifesaver. Google and Android provide a lot of seamless and time saving options for busy lives and small businesses, and these options are getting better it seems by the day. Of course, with Google pulling the plug on their 411 service, makes me wonder if using some of their features like Voice to their fullest extent might not leave a person high and dry down the road if not enough users are on board to continue the service. But with the numbers of Gmail addresses out there, we can be pretty certain that isn't going anywhere.

Another form of leverage I just learned of goes along with Gmail. Everybody has heard at least once by now to always keep a "spam" address on hand that you never have to check, then just use it for stuff you know is gonna get you on lists of the junk. There's a site that now offers truly disposable, and still green whoda-thunk-it, email! 10 Minute Mail is just exactly that, email for 10 minutes, then it's gone, self destructed like a Mission Impossible cassette, and after that the messages bounce! So next time you are logging on to a site that says you have to supply an address that they are going to use to send your login stuff to, but you really don't want the junk you know is going to follow, head over and snag a toss-out address to toss them. Later, if you want a more permanent connection, go for it.

Time is money for us all, and using it wisely can be leveraged with good tools. Have fun!

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